A comparison of the traditional approach to change and how 90consulting solves your challenges:

90Consulting Traditional Approach
90Consulting Approach

Problems We Solve

Investor-based acquisitions, Mergers, New CEOs, and significant changes in business strategy routinely exceed the bench strength of human capital.


We solve this problem in 90 days.


Your Talent Strategy Doesn’t Match Your Business Expectations

With mergers and acquisitions, this has become a “traditional” business breakdown.


Most talent strategies are disconnected from prioritized business impact. Even when they are matched, new leadership changes the expectations.


Our consultant’s forte’ is in helping executive teams align the organization with the very talent outcomes that must be addressed up-front, smartly separating them from the outcomes that can be improved later. This supports both sitting and new CHRO focus on business impact and elevates the CEO’s speed to execution by months.

Your Current HR Team Needs Temporary Strategic and Functional Support

It is unusual for any HR organization to be prepared and ready for major transformation. Our consultants and strategic partners bring cutting-edge capabilities to solve immediate talent challenges. Here are a few examples within our existing client base:


  • Executive Team Recruitment
  • Sales Talent Retention, Skill-Building and Motivation
  • Up-to-Date Compensation Strategy
  • Organizational Design Opportunities


Collectively, our external consultants help your internal partners reach the speed required to identify, plan, and resource that talent outcomes required to enable your business strategy. We come in. We move with urgency. We leave your organization with the power to execute.

You Need a Transformative HR Cost Model

During major business events, human capital needs change so quickly that today’s HR organization needs a structure that ensures rapid scalability of resources and spend. By moving from a fixed-cost model to a nimble approach, CHROs and CEOs get more done, more quickly, while spending less overall.

The Transparency Bridge

On a cultural scale, individuals and organizations are having to deal with the shift to total transparency. During deep organizational changes, it is the loss of transparency that leads to many of our largest breakdowns, especially in meeting business targets. 90consulting uses a proprietary diagnostic spanning six key talent areas to produce critically important feedback and immediately actionable recommendations.


By looking at the business through a clearly objective lens, we are able to define where you are and where you need to be.


Your Board Expects Immediate Business Results.
